Advocacy Alerts

Pima Council on Aging’s Advocacy Alerts are sent via email and contain time-sensitive action information. Please share these alerts with your friends, family, and/or professional networks. If you do not currently receive advocacy alerts and would like to, sign up below or call 520.790.7573 ext. 5060 for more information.

February 23, 2022: Don’t make cuts to the AAAs!
February 12, 2021: It’s Time to Act on COVID-19 Relief
January 13, 2021: Amplify Our Voice on the Legislature’s Opening Day!
September 10, 2020: Tell your Senators and Members of Congress to include additional funding for nutrition for older adults in their next stimulus relief bill
February 10, 2020: Reauthorization of the Older Americans Act
January 15, 2020: Support the Area Agencies on Aging by Funding for Home and Community-Based Services
September 16, 2019: Oppose SNAP Rule Change
August 19, 2019: Election 2019: Return Your Early Ballots
May 9, 2019: Help Make Tucson an Age-Friendly City
May 8, 2019: Funding for home and community-based services
March 21, 2019: Bonamici letter Advocacy Alert
January 3, 2019: Important Information about Partial Federal Government Shutdown – Week 2
December 27, 2018: Important Information about Partial Federal Government Shutdown
December 3, 2018: Advocacy Alert on Public Charge
September 11, 2018: Return Your Early Ballot: Vote on August 28th!
July 17, 2018: Appropriations Alert