May 21, 2024

Faces of PCOA – Wendy B

Meet Wendy B, who has been a part of the PCOA family for almost eight years. From her time as an Administrative Assistant at PCAH to her current role as an HR Specialist at PCOA, Wendy has brought a distinct joy, dedication, and purpose to her work. In addition to her role as HR Specialist, Wendy is also a member of the Fun Committee and the Safety Committee. Wendy enjoys bringing people together, and when asked about her time on the Fun Committee reflected that, “I love to bring people together and to see them let their hair down a bit. We are all just people and to see the way that everyone comes together is really wonderful… Just sitting and talking with people to find out what brings everybody together for this cause”.

Wendy’s experience in planning and process development comes from many years of experience as an executive at Target, and from a degree in Aeronautical Science, and a minor in Aviation Safety. With this experience, Wendy focuses on developing efficient processes for departments within PCOA, and when discussing this she explains the importance of specialized processes within an organization, “I love being organized and I love when everything is done the same thing across an organization. It is extremely important to have processes so that people know how to start and finish things well. Especially in HR, it’s important that we don’t miss anything.” Wendy’s dedication to excellence is matched by the abundant joy that radiates off her. When asked about her bubbly demeaner she remarked, “I’m very upbeat, very positive, and very bubbly which you need, especially going to job fairs. I am up and engaging with people because I want people to be as excited as I am about working at PCOA”.

In her spare time Wendy enjoys spending time with her friends and family and notes that PCOA has helped her to be able to be there for her family, “They value family here, they want you to have a work life balance and spend time with your family”. All in all, Wendy enjoys what she does and represents the mission of PCOA both on and off the clock, “I love what I do. I get into the excitement of talking about the company, and I have even told people about PCOA at the supermarket. I love that PCOA is there for older adults and there to help them with their needs, and if they can’t personally help, then they get them the information or resources they need so they can find help.”