Speech Solutions is a private speech therapy clinic in Tucson, Arizona. We specialize in helping adults with trouble speaking, thinking, or swallowing. Our patients include those with Parkinson's, strokes, Alzheimer's, brain injuries, and more. We provide one-on-one therapy in the office or virtually with skilled, compassionate therapists who teach you compensation techniques and rehabilitation exercises. We assess how safely you swallow, teach strengthening exercises, and provide counseling on food textures and consistencies to keep you safe while eating. We do offer instrumental evaluation of swallowing. Our cognition program supports memory skills, lengthening your attention and sharpening your focus. Our voice sessions focus on determining the cause of vocal problems and offering personalized techniques and therapy to strengthen your voice. We offer free phone consultations with a speech therapist. Call us today to see how we can help.
service area
business hours
M - F 8:00-5:00 by appointment
We accept Medicare insurance, Alignment, and Blue Cross Blue Shield plans, which often means there is no out-of-pocket cost for patients. Our direct pay rates are $180 per hour, subject to change