End of Life Care Planning

For information and assistance on End of Life Care Planning, call (520) 790-7262.

The most inevitable part of life for each of us is that it will eventually come to an end. At PCOA, we believe that part of living well is preparing well for dying—and that’s why we provide “end of life care planning.”

Have you and your loved ones had conversations about the care you want toward the end of your life? Do you fully understand the options to consider? Have you made decisions and completed Advance Directives like a Living Will or Healthcare Powers of Attorney to document these wishes?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions and would like to learn more, PCOA can help!

  • One-on-one coaching is available by phone or in-person to help individuals understand their options, discuss wishes with important people, and formalize end of life decisions. Offered in English and Spanish.
  • Family conversation facilitation is available to assist families to understand, support, and honor their loved one’s end of life decisions. Offered in English and Spanish.
  • Community education provides group instruction about end of life care planning through engaging and interactive presentations.  Offered in English and Spanish.
  • End of life presentations are available and can be tailored to meet the end of life care planning needs of your company, place of worship, or community group.

If you would like to learn more about our end of life resources, call us at (520) 790-7262. Bilingual services are available.

End of Life Education Videos:  The Death and Taxes Series

Episode 1: What is End of Life Care Planning Anyway?
Episode 2: What are Advance Directives and Where Do I Get Them?
Episode 3: Which Advance Directive Forms are Right for Me?
Episode 4: How Do I Pick a Person to Advocate for My Wishes?
Episode 5: My Advance Directives are Done! Now What?

Una Plática con el Consulado de México en Tucson:  https://fb.watch/dYjGe9ZPpH/

Estamos muy agradecidos con el Consulado de México en Tucson por su tiempo y proporcionar el espacio para tratar el tema de la planificación sobre el cuidado al final de la vida. Esperamos que este vídeo proporcione la información necesaria y motive a nuestra comunidad de hispanohablantes a tomar el siguiente paso de completar sus Directivas Anticipadas.

No esperen un día más para estar preparado. Comuníquese con nosotros si ocupa ayuda gratuita para iniciar su plan de cuidados sobre el final de la vida marcando a nuestra línea de ayuda al (520) 790-7262.

End of Life Care Planning Information and Forms

Advance Directive Forms with Explanation and Instructions
Information Card (English and Spanish)
Glossary of End of Life Terms
Glossary of End of Life Terms (Spanish)
Frequently Asked Questions about End of Life
Frequently Asked Questions about End of Life (Spanish)

Online Resources:  Conversations about Dying and Death


Online Resources:  End of Life Care Planning (Advance Directives)


AZ End of Life Care Partnership Discussion

We are grateful for the generous support provided by the Shaaron Kent Endowment held at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona.