August 8, 2024

Faces of PCOA – Jennie C

Meet Jennie C, a Support Specialist at PCOA who plays a crucial role in managing participant registration, payments, and communications for the Healthy Living Program. Jennie supports the Healthy Living Program Director, Falls Prevention Supervisor, and Lead Instructors for EnhanceFitness and A Matter of Balance. “I see myself as the home base for the team,” Jennie says, “keeping focus on the details that keep operations moving smoothly.” 

Before joining PCOA 13 years ago, Jennie spent 32 years in Tucson real estate, managing individual sales and developing strong relationships with her clients. The changing housing market and her husband’s health needs led her to seek a new career. “I floundered around to find a job, having no marketable skills outside of real estate,” Jennie recalls, but a friend’s encouragement and a connection at PCOA led her to a data entry role. 

Since then, PCOA has evolved significantly, becoming more tech-oriented. Jennie has adapted to these changes, learning from peers and volunteers and understanding firsthand the challenges many older adults face with technology. “I identify totally with the participants and callers that I deal with frequently – I am them,” she explains. 

Jennie hopes to continue contributing to PCOA’s mission by being a voice and an ear for older adults, translating empathy due to being able to relate to callers and clients. Her favorite memory at PCOA is participating in Dia de los Muertos activities, where she enjoyed making memory boxes and sugar skulls. 

Outside of work, Jennie enjoys gardening, attending movies, and spending time with friends. She even feeds mealworms to her backyard lizard community. Jennie believes PCOA excels at providing hands-on care, meals, advice, and support to older adults, offering essential resources as people navigate the challenges of aging. 

Jennie is particularly proud of her work with the EnhanceFitness, A Matter of Balance, and Healthy Living Programs, which help maintain an active lifestyle. “I am not alone in having heaped abuse on my body in my younger years. It’s gratifying to promote ways to mitigate those abuses and have some control over the changes in our bodies,” she shares. Jennie’s dedication and personal insight make her an invaluable part of the PCOA team and community.