Since 2008, The 3000 Club’s flagship program, Market On the Move, has rescued millions of pounds of produce and dry goods. This food is shared with Food Banks, Community Pantries, and feeding programs throughout Arizona. With more significant abundant times, we share with other organizations in neighboring states.
Market On the Move is open Saturdays to serve the public at our warehouse and in the height of the produce season (mid-November through the first weekend of June) with our host sites—$ 10 donation for up to 60 pounds. Check our website,, or Facebook page “3000tucson” for dates and times. Our warehouse is open Saturdays year-round.
Yes, 60 pounds is a lot of food, but you know someone who needs these resources. Please share.
MOMs Corner is another part of our mission “Nothing useful should end up in our landfills.” Our shop-for-a-cause has new and open-boxed items. Items start at 50-60% below retail.
business hours
T - F 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
$10 donation for up to 60 pounds of produce.