From advanced care planning to home-based primary care, we are here to help. ElderHealth PLLC is a medical practice providing in-home care to people with or without cognitive impairment. Our mission is to support families, improve quality of life, and keep people at home as long as possible. We work with families and caregivers to find ways to deal with behavioral issues without using risky medications. Our team includes an MD board-certified geriatrician, a Nurse Practitioner with extensive work with older adults, a Nurse Practitioner certified in palliative care with extensive research in alternative therapies for behavioral problems, and a Social Worker certified in palliative care and committed to helping families keep their loved one in the home. Our team also includes a certified music therapist, an art guide, and a Registered Nurse to add additional support. Our primary care services are available with a paid annual membership. Our unique advanced care planning services are offered via telehealth and are generally covered by Medicare without a co-pay. Advanced care planning services are available without a membership.
service area
Marana,Oro Valley,Tucson
business hours
M - F 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
We accept traditional Medicare and several private insurances and advantage plans. We are a membership model; our unique, supportive, and robust services cost an additional $3500/year.